

Press Releases





Managing childhood asthma

For a parent, one of the hardest things to listen to is the sound of your child struggling for air. Unfortunately, wheezing is not entirely uncommon in our house. My 5-year-old son, Oliver, has asthma. Despite the fact that his asthma is relatively mild and well-controlled, it still affects our day-to-day lives. 

As I think about our journey in managing and living with a child who has asthma, I am thankful to serve as a patient advocate for Oliver. It has and will continue to shape my interactions as a student pharmacist, and I hope our story—through its do’s and don’ts—will help others in the profession to provide better care to patients. 

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A new place, a new start

I was 5-years-old at the time and barely tall enough to see out the window of the taxi, but looking upwards, I could catch the sun streaking through the lower Manhattan skyline. By propping myself up on the arm rest, I could marvel at the sights around me. Crossing over the Brooklyn Bridge and entering Manhattan, I saw people of all nationalities flooding the streets and the sound of honking horns filled my ears. I leaned back into the car and squeezed my mother’s hand tightly. She looked down at me with a warm smile. This is my first memory of the United States of America.

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Pharmacists’ interprofessional role in the opioid epidemic

The opioid crisis is making headlines across America. According to CDC, between 1999 and 2010, pharmacies, hospitals, and physicians’ offices bought four times the amount of prescription opioids. The iatrogenic misuse of opioids has led to different approaches by health care providers to address the opioid epidemic. As a student pharmacist and future health professional, I recognize that I will play an important role in helping to stop the opioid crisis. I believe the pharmacists’ approach to the opioid epidemic is unique because of practitioners’ expertise in medication.

As a future medication expert, I hope to apply my knowledge for the appropriate use of medications, and work collaboratively with physicians, dentists, and physical therapists to end the opioid epidemic

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Residency is a two-way street

“Alison,” yes, this is such an energizing (and sometimes anxiety producing) part of the year! I am also looking forward because I am searching for my first job after completing my PGY2. Through the stress and the deadlines, though, I am so pleased to see that you have kept the end goal in mind: taking care of your patients. 

It is so easy to forget in the stress of pharmacy school that getting good grades was never the point, nor was holding the leadership position. It is about learning the material you are going to need to take care of patients and about how you improve the world around you through that leadership position. The same is true when you start your career, whether in a residency program or not, in that it is more about what you choose to do than where you are.

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A case of “patient care fever”

University of Florida students Kyle Kirkpatrick (left) and William Gerwe (right) practice blood pressure screening techniques and counseling so they can help engage patients in the community during Operation Heart activities, as Khurrum Qureshi (center

Getting involved in an organization like APhA–ASP can be intimidating for any first-year student pharmacist. The magnitude of the organization with more than 130 chapters and thousands of student members is daunting to someone who just considers themselves lucky to be in pharmacy school. This is exactly how I felt in my first month as a student pharmacist. 
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