
Policy Manual

Stay up-to-date on current APhA adopted policy.

icon serve How To Serve

APhA policy development is driven by its members through the House of Delegates (HOD). Comprised of delegates from state pharmacy associations, APhA membership academies, affiliated organizations, recognized pharmacy organizations, and ex-officio groups, the House of Delegates meet during the APhA Annual Meeting and Exposition to debate and adopt policy proposals developed throughout the year. The House sessions are presided over by the Speaker of the House of Delegates. Support the pharmacy profession by committing to make a difference as a delegate or member of an HOD committee.



Brandi Hamilton

Speaker of the House of Delegates
Term: 2022-2025



Mary Klein

Speaker-elect of the House of Delegates
Term: 2024-2025



Michael Mone

Parliamentarian of the House of Delegates
Term: 2022-2025


Michael D Hogue

House of Delegates Secretary
Term: 2022-2025

The APhA Policy Committee is charged with analyzing specific topics assigned by the Board of Trustees and proposing policy on those issues to the APhA House of Delegates.

  • Committee members meet in Washington, DC, over a weekend to develop policy statements.
  • Committee members must prepare a report of policy recommendations for presentation to the APhA House of Delegates.
  • Generally, the committee is comprised of 7-10 APhA members from a variety of pharmacy specialties with specific professional and policy expertise.

Committee Members

Veronica Vernon, Chair

Pittsboro, IN

Jennifer Adams

Eagle, ID

Ally Dering-Anderson

Lincoln, NE

Bryan Gomez

Athens, GA

Cory Holland

Indianapolis, IN

Nimit Jindal

Washington, DC

Amy Kennedy

Tucson, AZ

John Kirtley

Little Rock, AR

Matthew Lacroix

West Warwick, RI

The APhA Policy Review Committee is charged to ensure that adopted policy is relevant and reflects the opinion of the contemporary pharmacy community.

  • The Committee meets via conference call to determine whether adopted policy statements should be amended, retained, archived, or rescinded. The Committee can propose New Business Items for those statements needing an amendment.
    • The Committee reviews adopted policy statements according to the schedule outlined in the House of Delegates Rules of Procedure.
    • The Committee reviews adopted policy related to the policy topics assigned to APhA’s Policy Committee.
  • The Policy Review Committee is comprised of 7-10 APhA members from diverse pharmacy practice backgrounds.

Committee Members

Wendy Mobley-Bukstein (Chair)

Clive, IA

Heather Free

Columbus, OH

Aakash Gandhi

Secaucus, NJ

Mary Gurney

Peoria, AZ

Loren Kirk

Washington, DC

Sherry Kwon

Fort Sam Houston, TX

Hayden Wood

Floral, AR

Laura Sosinski

Avon, IN

Joy Wright

Micanopy, FL

The Committee meets via conference call at least twice a year: 

  • Within 30 days after the conclusion of the Final Session of the House, to review and approve language of adopted House policy and to discuss observations of House operations for potential improvement.
  • To review and approve the House of Delegates Schedule, make recommendations regarding the proceedings of the House, and to issue a Final Report to the APhA House of Delegates.  

The Committee is comprised of 6 APhA members from diverse pharmacy practice backgrounds and is appointed prior to the beginning of the First Session of the House.  The Committee’s term concludes prior to the First Session of the House the following year.

Committee Members

Theresa Tolle, Chair

Sebastian, FL

Ed Bednarczky

Buffalo, NY

Nicholas Dorich

Washington, DC

Melissa Duke

Phoenix, AZ

Alison Knutson

Egan, MN

Joey Mattingly

Park City, UT

The New Business Review Committee is charged to review proposed policy submitted by Delegates and recommend action on those items.

  • Committee members participate in the New Business Review Committee Open Hearing at the Annual Meeting and meet in an executive session to finalize their report to the House.

The Committee is comprised of 7 APhA members from diverse pharmacy practice backgrounds.

Committee Members

Christopher Harlow, Chair

Louisville, KY

Kunal Amin

North Royalton, OOH

Nick Capote

San Francisco, CA

Evan Colmenares

Durham, NC

Jennifer Courtney

Fairfield, CA

Gigi Davidson

Pittsboro, NC

Nicole Kayrala

Buffalo, NY

Sara McBane

Irvine, CA

Josie Quick

Dazey, ND

Lorri Walmsley

Casa Grande, AZ

The APhA Policy Reference Committee is charged with providing greater participation in the policy development process and ensuring objective consideration of APhA member comments.

  • Committee members receive delegate comments from townhall sessions, virtual discussion forums, the first session of the House of Delegates, and during the in-person Open Hearing at the APhA Annual Meeting.
  • The Committee may issue their report in advance of the Annual Meeting having taken into consideration feedback provided from townhall sessions and virtual discussion comments. This report may be handled via an electronic poll and considered during the first session of the House of Delegates.
  • Following further discussion from the in-person Open Hearing during APhA Annual Meeting, committee members will draft a final report for consideration during the final session of the House.
  • The Committee is comprised of the Chair of the Policy Committee, two or three other members of the Policy Committee, and three or four new members.

Committee Members

Veronica Vernon, Chair

Pittsboro, IN

Jen Adams

Eagle, Idaho

Glen Gard

Chicago, IL

Chris Johnson

Little Rock, AR

Cory Holland

Indianapolis, IN

John Kirtley

Little Rock, AR

Gina Moore

Aurora, CO

Traci Poole

Nashville, TN

The House of Delegates Committee on Nominations is charged to nominate candidates for the office of Speaker-elect of the House of Delegates each even-numbered year.

  • The Committee is appointed by the immediate former (non-incumbent) Speaker of the House and is comprised of 5 members.
  •  The Committee only slates 2 candidates, but additional nominations may be made from the floor of the House.  Candidates for Speaker-elect must be current Delegates to the APhA House. 
  • The Committee presents its report, including the slate of candidates, during the First Session of the House.  Each candidate is given 2 minutes to introduce him/herself to the Delegates. 

At the Final Session of the APhA House, each candidate is given 3 minutes to address the APhA House.  The election for the office of Speaker-elect is conducted electronically at the Final Session of the APhA House of Delegates.

(This committee meets in-person during an election year)

The Committee of Canvassers is charged to observe the administration of the electronic voting process for the election of the Speaker-elect during the Final Session of the APhA House. APhA committee members are appointed each even-numbered year to perform the responsibilities of this position.

(This committee meets in-person during an election year)

icon serve Annual Meeting Material

The House of Delegates will meet March 21 and 24 at the APhA2025 Annual Meeting & Exposition in Nashville, TN. The following APhA2025 House of Delegates materials and committee reports are provided as available

icon file Delegate Resources

Representing your colleagues as a delegate in the APhA House of Delegates can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your career. These resources can help you make the most of your service.

Our town halls are interactive meetings where members of the profession can engage directly with the Speaker, Committee chairs and APhA staff. These sessions provide a platform for open dialogue, allowing delegates to ask questions, share concerns, and be a part of the policy development process.

Upcoming Webinar Opportunities

Townhall on Policy Topics

Townhall on Proposed Policy Statements

Townhall on Policy Review Committee and House Rules Review Committee Reports

Content to be provided

Nearly every APhA member has the opportunity to serve in the House of Delegates. Individual members can become a delegate by appointment through a recognized entity such as a State delegation or national recognized organization. See below for a full list.

The delegate toolkit is a collection of resources and information designed to equip individuals chosen as a delegate with the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively fulfill their representative role.

icon contact Contact Information

Brittany Botescu, PharmD
Interim Associate Director of Policy and Governance
Wendy Gaitwood
Project Manager, Governance & Executive office

Contact the House of Delegates at


