
Transitions Magazine

Transitions is published bi-monthly for members of the APhA New Practitioner Network. The online newsletter contains information focused on life inside and outside pharmacy practice, providing guidance on various areas of professional, personal, and practice development. Each issue includes in-depth articles on such topics as personal financial management, innovative practice sites, career profiles, career development tools, residency and postgraduate programs, and more.

Staying positive
Kranthi Chinthamalla
/ Categories: Student Magazine

Staying positive

Sarder Sadid: "We should all try to learn new things and stay as positive as we can throughout this unusual moment in history."

The 2019 Region 1 Midyear Regional Meeting (MRM) in Providence, RI, was an awe-inspiring experience for me, a first-timer. That weekend opened my eyes to the impact that student pharmacist influence can have in APhA. It also deepened my appreciation and passion for APhA–ASP. I understood what made the Academy great and I wanted to contribute to it. Thus, when I was asked to be my chapter delegate at the APhA2020 APhA–ASP House of Delegates, I accepted the role graciously. I was over the moon. I had heard about the amazing experience from previous delegates, and I looked forward to what some called a transformative experience.

Once 2020 rolled around, my E-board and I began working on planning our trip to National Harbor, MD. At the same time, they helped me prepare to be the best possible chapter delegate that I could be. Needless to say, all of us were very excited! 

Annual blues

Throughout spring break, we were excited that we were going to be at APhA2020 the following week. While we kept prepping for our trip, we had it in the back of our minds that there was a possibility that the meeting might not take place due to COVID–19. After all, smaller scale events were being canceled one after another. Upon reflection, I think our excitement far outweighed any doubts. Perhaps that is why it hurt so much when we heard that APhA2020 would not take place, after all.

My team and I were disappointed and somber in the days after hearing the news. But we understood the situation and knew that it was a decision made with the best interest of everyone in mind. Being a part of the pharmacy profession, we understood that everyone’s safety took precedence amid the pandemic. It was time to serve our patients when they needed us the most.

Channeling my energy

On a personal level, I was disappointed that I did not get to serve the full extent of my role as chapter delegate. But it is what it is. Fortunately for me, my love and passion for APhA–ASP did not diminish. Reading about the impactful work done by pharmacists and pharmacy interns every day fueled my desire to contribute even more to our profession. It has also been amazing to see all the student pharmacists share their COVID–19 stories on the APhA–ASP Facebook page. 

Having missed out on APhA2020, I planned to attend the APhA–ASP Summer Leadership Institute (SLI). I was initially on the fence about attending, as I had participated last year. But I realized that I could take the positive energy that I was going to bring to the Annual Meeting and channel it to SLI instead. I feel that this will be a great way to contribute to APhA–ASP. I hope SLI is held in some format in the near future. 

In the meantime, I hope to make use of my time after finals to learn to play the keyboard. We should all try to learn new things and stay as positive as we can throughout this unusual moment in history. I believe in you!

Sarder Sadid is a third-year PharmD candidate at the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.

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