
Transitions Magazine

Transitions is published bi-monthly for members of the APhA New Practitioner Network. The online newsletter contains information focused on life inside and outside pharmacy practice, providing guidance on various areas of professional, personal, and practice development. Each issue includes in-depth articles on such topics as personal financial management, innovative practice sites, career profiles, career development tools, residency and postgraduate programs, and more.

‘Fearlessly Authentic’ ‘Fearlessly Authentic’

‘Fearlessly Authentic’

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When I was a kid, I struggled a lot with feeling comfortable in my own skin. I ambitiously tried sports in middle school because all my friends played, and after a couple years and a valiant effort, I decided that they were not for me. I figured there had to be something that would challenge and excite me in the same way that my friends were challenged and excited by sports. During my first year of high school, I hesitantly decided to try pottery. A few weeks into the class, I realized I absolutely loved it. It brought such joy that I took an art class almost every semester during high...
The power of student advocacy The power of student advocacy

The power of student advocacy

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All of the hard work paid off for Brandy Seignemartin (second from right) and colleagues when Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed HB 1726 into law. This year, as the Vice President of Legislative Affairs for the Associated Students of Washington State University Health Sciences (ASWSUHS), I helped lead the passage of HB 1726 in the...
Training for firearm-related violence Training for firearm-related violence

Training for firearm-related violence

As the daughter of a retired law enforcement officer, I was honored to assist with the implementation of 2019.5—Creating Safe Work and...
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From bench to bedside From bench to bedside

From bench to bedside

PharmD degrees offer expansive and diverse career opportunities, and this career flexibility was one of the aspects that sparked my initial...
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Impacting (and saving) lives through naloxone training Impacting (and saving) lives through naloxone training

Impacting (and saving) lives through naloxone training

ETSU’s Dawnna Metcalfe educates students on the misuse of prescription medications. For several years, East Tennessee State University...
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Personal experiences drive involvement Personal experiences drive involvement

Personal experiences drive involvement

OSU’s Danielle Powall (left) and Emily Enslen present at the 2019 APhA Institute. Through Generation Rx at The Ohio State University...
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‘Look for every opportunity’ ‘Look for every opportunity’

‘Look for every opportunity’

UMKC receives the 2017-18 APhA-ASP Generation Rx National Award at APhA2019. The Generation Rx chairs at the University of...
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My intangible stress ball My intangible stress ball

My intangible stress ball

Comfortable enough to request a selfie with the audience? The ‘Fearlessly Authentic’ Alicia Bautista has become ‘in tune’...
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Make yoga your prior commitment

Here demonstrating the ‘Upward Facing Dog’ pose, Jennifer Schweiger urges everyone to give yoga a try. As a student pharmacist eager to explore various pursuits, it’s easy to take on many tasks and get caught up in the hustle and bustle of pharmacy school. While you are motivated and willing to put in the high-quality work to execute these tasks, finding time for self-care...

How my pharmacy curiosity was awakened

It was a cold, rainy evening when I visited my friend Cindy at the hospital. Her room was dark with a tiny strip of light coming in from the slightly open door. Her head was down and when she raised it, I gasped in shock because her eyes were swollen and could barely open, the skin on her face was very dark, her lips were swollen, her tongue hanging out. Then, l looked at her skin and noticed...