
Transitions Magazine

Transitions is published bi-monthly for members of the APhA New Practitioner Network. The online newsletter contains information focused on life inside and outside pharmacy practice, providing guidance on various areas of professional, personal, and practice development. Each issue includes in-depth articles on such topics as personal financial management, innovative practice sites, career profiles, career development tools, residency and postgraduate programs, and more.

Bubbles bursting Bubbles bursting

Bubbles bursting

0 2036
Following her rotation experience, Claire Schumann now applies the perspective she gained in Kenya to current challenges, and does her best to widen her lens and consider the big picture. For most of my life, I have lived in a bubble. I was fortunate to grow up in a happy home, attend a private Catholic school until college, travel on family vacations, and never worry about having food on the table, clean drinking water, or electricity in my house. Even as a student pharmacist, I remained in a similar bubble, although this bubble was bigger than before. There were new interactions...
Fired up instead of burned out Fired up instead of burned out

Fired up instead of burned out

0 1781
As I headed to the desert for December’s ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exposition in Las Vegas, NV, I was a ball of nerves. In the moment, it felt like a few days of first impressions and networking would either make or break all of my hard work. However, I turned this nervous energy into excitement, as I made meaningful connections...
Find your anchor Find your anchor

Find your anchor

Doing wellness activities together has been beneficial for Alyssa Rinaldi (left) and her co-residents. The topic of burnout and its prevention...
0 1726
We're counting on you We're counting on you

We're counting on you

Throughout his tenure as APhA CEO, Tom Menighan has made it a priority to listen to the needs student pharmacists and mentor APhA-ASP leadership....
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Historical perspective, future vision Historical perspective, future vision

Historical perspective, future vision

Christian Brown is working with Ben Urick, PharmD, PhD, to digitize, transcribe, and analyze 2,000 antique prescriptions from Washington, IA,...
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Being myself Being myself

Being myself

Kelli Jo Welter (far right): "Student pharmacists have found a home in APhA-ASP." During the whirlwind of residency interviews,...
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A leap out of my comfort zone A leap out of my comfort zone

A leap out of my comfort zone

As Michelle Chin (second row, far right) discovered, joining APhA–ASP leads to meaningful opportunities. My professional growth as a...
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Building relationships with pre-pharmacy students Building relationships with pre-pharmacy students

Building relationships with pre-pharmacy students

Building partnerships with pre-professional students is an opportunity to reflect on your own journey in pharmacy and mentor those who will one...
0 2095

Fun that won’t break the bank

Jessica Comstock and her father spend some quality outdoor time at Avalanche Lake in Glacier National Park. You all know about the importance of self-care and preventing burnout. New research proves you can’t deny the importance of taking care of yourself. But how can you afford to take the time away from classes and work, and where can you find the funds? Well, I—representing...

The zen of bullet journaling

‘BuJo’ helped Amanda Hammond turn time management into an enjoyable hobby. Did you know that studies have shown disorganization leads to stress? I bet even without having done a lit search on the topic you know from experience that it’s true. I know I have. In fact, as a first- and second-year PharmD candidate, it seemed nearly impossible to avoid the anxiety that came...