
Transitions Magazine

Transitions is published bi-monthly for members of the APhA New Practitioner Network. The online newsletter contains information focused on life inside and outside pharmacy practice, providing guidance on various areas of professional, personal, and practice development. Each issue includes in-depth articles on such topics as personal financial management, innovative practice sites, career profiles, career development tools, residency and postgraduate programs, and more.

Through the looking glass Through the looking glass

Through the looking glass

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In 2020, Martin Bailey was on the other side of the patient care experience. He persevered through the pandemic and is ready for a brighter 2021. If you’ve ever seen a commercial about Humira, chances are you’ve probably heard of ulcerative colitis (UC) or Crohn’s disease (CD). I was diagnosed with UC at age 11 when I was transferred to the pediatric intensive care unit at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital (LLUCH) in the early 2000s.  What I did not know at the time was that Loma Linda University (LLU) would come back into my life in two big ways:...
Asking yourself the tough questions Asking yourself the tough questions

Asking yourself the tough questions

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Hello again, “Kelsea” here! I am optimistic about my future as a pharmacist as I begin my fifth rotation of the year and start thinking critically about post-graduation career options, but I can’t help feeling uncertain at times.  For final-year student pharmacists, the fall semester can bring some...
Rotations: An unspoken interview Rotations: An unspoken interview

Rotations: An unspoken interview

Advice from Douglas Tam (center): ‘Live in the moment, as learning never ends!’ Hey, Kelsea! I am happy to hear that you are...
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Doing well for patients … together Doing well for patients … together

Doing well for patients … together

Student pharmacists often hear about career options in either the community or hospital/institutional settings. But one option that is often...
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Pharmacists’ value recognized during pandemic Pharmacists’ value recognized during pandemic

Pharmacists’ value recognized during pandemic

Advocacy comes in many forms, and no matter the role you play, Meg Freiter advises to always keep your patients in mind. One of the first...
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Mentorship: A tale of two halves Mentorship: A tale of two halves

Mentorship: A tale of two halves

A new program spurred a mentor–mentee relationship between Zoona Ahmad (left) and Madi Eberle, which has also helped them both grow as...
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The miracle of solid organ transplantation The miracle of solid organ transplantation

The miracle of solid organ transplantation

Thanks to organ donors, the Olhausen’s are elated to continue gathering for family events, from weddings to fishing, with Dad. According...
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Soak up the knowledge Soak up the knowledge

Soak up the knowledge

Gathering information from multiple platforms has led led to positive momentum in Emily Lothspeich’s life. During the summer of 2019, I...
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The value of versatility

Each day, Justin Bladecki finds himself benefitting from his breadth of experience. I joined the Army National Guard while I was still in high school and deployed to Iraq at the end of 2004, the same year I graduated. Overseas, I served as a combat engineer and heavy equipment operator. One of the interesting things that I learned as an engineer in the National Guard was how much more...

Navigating residency preparation virtually during COVID-19 (Online Exclusive)

COVID-19 has impacted nearly all areas of pharmacy education, forcing academic institutions to use alternative means to continue classes and clinical rotations. These transitions led to technology challenges, learning barriers, and missed opportunities, causing added stress and anxiety. Some APPEs were canceled; others were replaced with a virtual course, and some continued as...