
Pharmacy News

Are we close to a treatment for preterm preeclampsia?

Researchers of a new study published in BMJ say that extended-release metformin could prolong gestation in women with preterm preeclampsia.

Increase in Black pharmacists comes almost entirely from Black women, according to new data

Health care providers often hear that patients want to receive care from someone who looks like them. In the medical sphere, a growing body of research even supports the claim that this leads to better care, but the majority of physicians are not representative of certain minority groups.

Federal government makes two announcements with major pharmacy implications in 24 hours

September 9, 2021, was a busy day for the federal government and pharmacy stakeholders alike: Just a few hours apart, we saw significant developments in pharmacists’ COVID-19 pandemic practice authorities and prescription drug pricing. Both items yielded positive news for pharmacists and their patients.

Pharmacists as providers: The last frontier in Alaska

In a recent conversation with a patient’s wife, Justin Ruffridge, PharmD, learned a lot more about the patient’s condition than he expected.

What might this flu season have in store?

Influenza cases and deaths in the United States and worldwide dropped to unprecedented lows between October 3, 2020, and July 24, 2021, according to CDC data. In a typical season, 75 to 150 children die of influenza in the United States, noted pediatric infectious disease specialist Paul Offit, MD, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, in a recent JAMA Network article. Last influenza season, he said, one child was reported to have died.
