
Outstanding Dean Award

2024 Outstanding Dean Award recipient

Tom Campbell, PharmD.

Tom Campbell, PharmD

Tom Campbell is the Dean and Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy in Nashville. Dr. Campbell received his Pharm.D. degree from the University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy and completed board certification in pharmacotherapy in 1995.

His prior work experience includes a geriatric pharmacy residency with VA Medical Center in Memphis, Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator at Columbus Regional Health System (now Piedmont) in Columbus, Georgia, and Senior Director of the Cardiovascular Scientific Team for Sanofi Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Campbell served as the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy and helped develop the College at its founding.

Dr. Campbell has served as President of the Tennessee Pharmacists Association and on the Board of Directors. He is an AACP, ASHP, APhA, CPFI, and TPA member. Dr. Campbell is a Sunday school teacher at the Spring Meadows Church of Christ in Spring Hill, TN. He has traveled to Central America as part of medical mission campaigns numerous times. Dr. Campbell and his late wife, Susan, have three adult sons and a granddaughter on the way in June 2024.


The APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists Outstanding Dean Award was established to recognize a school or college of pharmacy Dean who has made significant contributions to the APhA-ASP Chapter and promoted with distinction the welfare of student pharmacists through various community service, leadership, and professional activities. This award was established in 2004.


The nominee must: 1) be a Member of APhA; 2) have been an active Dean for at least one year; 3) have actively promoted student welfare; 4) made documentable contributions to achievements of the APhA-ASP Chapter; and 5) must not be a past recipient of the award.

Nomination Process

The nominator is responsible for submitting the award nomination packet online via Formsite.The award nomination packet includes:

  • Nomination form
  • A letter from the nominator describing the most important achievements of the nominee and explaining why the nominee meets the criteria for the award
  • Three letters of recommendation are required; a maximum of 6 letters accepted
  • A current CV or detailed résumé

For individuals not selected as the recipient of this award, nominators have the opportunity to have packets forwarded to the following year’s Awards Standing Committee for their review. APhA Student Development Staff will contact the nominator each year prior to the deadline to obtain approval for re-nomination and to update any nomination materials. Packets will be forwarded for a maximum of 4 consecutive years.

Submit a Nomination

Selection Process

The selection is made by the APhA–ASP Awards Standing Committee based upon careful review of complete nominations.

Nature of the Award

The recipient receives a plaque and the following: a complimentary APhA Annual Meeting registration and reimbursement for meeting-related travel expenses, according to current travel policies and up to the maximum amount budgeted by APhA.


  • 2023 recipient – William P. Petros – West Virginia University
  • 2022 recipient – Marie A. Chisholm-Burns – The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
  • 2021 - Keith M. Olsen, University of Nebraska Medical Center
  • 2020 - Donald E. Letendre - The University of Iowa
  • 2019 - Roger L. Davis - Lipscomb University
  • 2018 - Patricia Kroboth - University of Pittsburgh
  • 2017 - Gireesh V. Gupchup, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
  • 2016 - Larry Calhoun, East Tennessee State University
  • 2015 - Stephanie Gardner, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
  • 2014 - Phillip Oppenheimer, University of the Pacific
  • 2013 - R. Pete Vanderveen, University of Southern California
  • 2012 - Hewitt W. “Ted” Matthews, Mercer University
  • 2011 - Robert W. Brueggemeier, The Ohio State University
  • 2010 - Robert L. McCarthy, University of Connecticut
  • 2009 - Kenneth B. Roberts, University of Kentucky
  • 2008 - Mary Anne Koda-Kimble, University of California, San Francisco
  • 2007 - Sidney D. Nelson, University of Washington
  • 2006 - John A. Pieper, University of New Mexico
  • 2005 - Joseph O. Dean, Samford University


All nominations are due annually by December 1.
