
2021-22 New Business Items Discussion

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NBI #1 – Integration of a National Immunization Information System (IIS)

Motion: To amend existing policy: 2018 Proactive Immunization Assessment and Immunization Information Systems, Statement #3

  1. APhA calls for a National Immunization Information Systems (IIS) database to report all immunization data among all state registries APhA supports nationwide integration of Immunization Information Systems (IIS) that incorporates federal, state, and local databases for the purpose of providing pharmacists and other health care professionals with accurate and timely information to assist in clinical decision making related to immunization services.3

NBI #2 – Reimbursement for Diabetes Education Services


  1. APhA supports the expansion of patient access to diabetes self-management education and support.
  2. APhA calls upon public and private payers to recognize and reimburse pharmacists as providers of diabetes self-management education and support regardless of practice setting. 
  3. APhA supports the development of a guide for pharmacists seeking appropriate reimbursement from payors for diabetes self-management education and support.

NBI #3 – Data to Advance Health Equality


  1. APhA urges pharmacists to use evidence-based data to address health disparities, equitably distribute resources, and drive decision-making in advocacy and practice.
  2. APhA supports the collection, analysis, reporting, and exchange of disaggregated data regarding race, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, and social determinants of health in partnership with the impacted communities.
  3. APhA urges schools and colleges of pharmacy to prioritize and incentivize the collection and analysis of disaggregated data as part of institutional research efforts towards health equity.

NBI #4 - Procurement Strategies and Patient Steerage


  1. APhA supports medication procurement strategies that meet chain of custody standards for pharmaceutical products moving from one entity to another; ensuring the exchanges are accurate, timely, and follow best practices prior to administering the product to the patient; and preserve the economic viability of pharmacy practices.
  2. APhA opposes required procurement strategies (e.g., site of care steerage, brown bagging, and white bagging) that restrict the patient’s and providers’ ability to choose treatment options that may lead to or result in fragmented care between the patient, pharmacist and other healthcare providers.
  3. APhA calls for the creation of operational efficiencies that allow the patient’s choice of pharmacy and site of care; do not restrict or delay care; and ensure continuity of care through collaborative efforts between providers that leads to optimal patient health outcomes.

NBI #5 - Pharmacist Prescribing Authority and Increasing Access to Medication

Motion: To adopt the following policy statement listed below: APhA supports expanding access to medication-assisted treatments (MAT) by permitting pharmacists’ prescriptive authority for the management of substance use disorders.

NBI #6 - Supporting the Integration of Pharmacists into the Clinical Research Workforce

Motion: Adopt the following two policy statements:

  1. APhA supports the integration of pharmacists as clinical research team members in all forms of clinical research, including but not limited to healthcare outcomes research, pre-marketing clinical trials, and post-marketing studies.
  2. APhA encourages pharmacists and student pharmacists to build clinical research enterprise knowledge and specialized skills.

NBI #7 - Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technician Roles in Type 2 Diabetes Prevention

 Motion: Adopt the following three policy statements:

  1. APhA advocates for the recognition and utilization of pharmacists, student pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians to address diabetes prevention, such as through Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Diabetes Prevention Program’s (National DPP) lifestyle change program.
  2. APhA advocates for campaigns focused on increased community wellness awareness and health benefits knowledge in areas such as healthy eating and physical exercise for diabetes prevention and diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES). APhA recommends expanding the pharmacist’s role and pharmacy services, and building on the competencies noted in “EDUCATION, CURRICULUM AND COMPETENCE FOR PHARMACISTS, Pharmacist Training in Nutrition” to leverage pharmacists and pharmacies as a means of increasing patient education on nutrition and physical exercise in relation to diabetes prevention and DSMES.
  3. APhA encourages the development of pharmacy curricula and continuing education on the topics of diabetes prevention and health promotion through improvements in modifiable risk factors.

NBI #8 - 2007 Pharmacy Personnel Immunization Rates AMENDMENT

Motion: To amend the following policy statement as shown:

            2007 Pharmacy Personnel Immunization Rates

3.  APhA encourages federal, state, and local public health officials to recognize pharmacists, student pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacy support staff among the highest priority groups as essential healthcare workers as first responders (e.g. physicians, nurses, police, etc.) and prioritize pharmacists to receive medications and immunizations during pandemics and/or other disaster preparedness and emergency response situations.

NBI #9 - Pharmacists Applcation of Professional Judgment

Motion: Adopt the new proposed policy regarding pharmacists’ application of professional judgment

Pharmacist’s application of professional judgment:

  1. APhA supports pharmacists, as licensed health care professionals, in their unrestricted use of professional judgment throughout the course of their practice to act in the best interest of patients.
  2. APhA asserts that a pharmacist's independent medication review and use of professional judgment in the medication distribution process is essential to patient safety.
  3. APhA opposes the creation of state and federal laws that negate a pharmacist’s right to exercise professional judgment in the best interest of patients’ clinical outcomes.
  4. APhA calls for civil, criminal, and legal liability protections for pharmacists and pharmacies if the right to use professional judgment is limited by state and federal laws.