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Myth and misinformation nothing new

On The Cover

Myth and misinformation nothing new

In the spring of 2021, protesters gathered outside Sentinel High School in Missoula, MT. They waved signs and held out flyers that claimed the COVID-19 vaccine caused miscarriage and infertility. They screamed “baby killer” at every parent and student who rushed by on their way inside to the vaccine clinic.

Sonya Collins

Researchers seek to understand what factors affect vaccine uptake

Immunization Update

Researchers seek to understand what factors affect vaccine uptake

Describing the various sociodemographic disparities that may be associated with vaccine uptake can be difficult, but a study published on November 11, 2022, in JAPhA characterizes differences in disease burden, and sociodemographic and lifestyle characteristics for cohorts of participants who received certain common vaccines.

Jon​athan Little, PharmD
