
Pharmacy News

ISMP cautions pharmacists about flu and COVID-19 vaccine mix-ups after cases reported

ISMP has reported multiple mix-ups between the flu vaccine and COVID-19 vaccines since the former became available in September. All the mishaps happened in community and ambulatory care pharmacies, according to ISMP.

FDA takes steps to improve quality, safety of sunscreens

FDA is working to improve the quality, safety, and efficacy of sunscreens as part of its implementation of new authorities for certain OTC drugs.

Are we close to a treatment for preterm preeclampsia?

Researchers of a new study published in BMJ say that extended-release metformin could prolong gestation in women with preterm preeclampsia.

Increase in Black pharmacists comes almost entirely from Black women, according to new data

Health care providers often hear that patients want to receive care from someone who looks like them. In the medical sphere, a growing body of research even supports the claim that this leads to better care, but the majority of physicians are not representative of certain minority groups.

NIH: Methamphetamine-involved overdose deaths nearly tripled between 2015 and 2019

A study conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) found that overdose deaths in the United States involving methamphetamine nearly tripled from 2015 to 2019 among people 18 to 64 years of age. 
