
Pharmacy News

Autism prevalence higher in CDC’s monitoring network

New data from CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) network show that 2.3% of children aged 8 years in 11 communities across the United States had an autism diagnosis in 2018.

Majority of mumps cases are among vaccinated, study finds

New research from CDC, published in the December issue of Pediatrics, shows that the virus that causes mumps continues to circulate in the United States, primarily infecting people vaccinated against it, including children.

Should medical cannabis be used to treat chronic pain?

According to CDC, people most often cite pain management as their reason for using medical cannabis in the United States. But according to a new clinical practice guideline published by Busse and colleagues in the September 2021 issue of BMJ, there is weak evidence to support the use of non-inhaled medical cannabis or cannabinoids for chronic pain. The recommendation is based on a robust analysis of results from 32 randomized controlled clinical trials.

Findings confirm safety of simultaneous COVID-19 and influenza vaccine administration

Results of a Phase IV study published in The Lancet find no safety concerns with coadministration of the COVID-19 vaccine and the influenza vaccine.

CDC: Drug overdose deaths hit new high

Preliminary CDC data show that drug overdose deaths in the United States hit a record high in the 12-month period ending in March 2021.
