
Pharmacy News

ADHD med errors for children happen more often than they should

Researchers say more therapeutic errors involving ADHD medications among children are being reported to poison control centers across the country. According to a new study in Pediatrics, they have increased nearly 300% over a 22-year period.

CDC data find flu vaccine is effective against hospitalization

Influenza vaccines have cut people’s risk of being hospitalized from the disease by approximately half, according to a new CDC report.

Updated COVID-19 vaccines, recommended for all, available at pharmacies and covered by insurance

CDC's director has signed off on the widespread use of updated COVID-19 vaccines, which are intended to better align with SARS-CoV-2 strains now in circulation.

FDA advisers say oral phenylephrine is not effective as a nasal decongestant

An FDA advisory panel unanimously agreed that oral phenylephrine is not effective at relieving nasal stuffiness. The decision, voted on during FDA’s Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee meeting, could result in the removal of oral formulations of phenylephrine.

Psilocybin may be safe and effective as treatment for MDD

Results from a new study published in JAMA find that among patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), a single 25-mg dose of psilocybin led to a steady reduction in depressive symptoms and helped improve psychosocial functioning. The goal of the research was to examine the safety and efficacy of using psilocybin in patients with MDD.
