

Press Releases


APhA–ASP Member Spotlight: Joanne Shen

Published on Friday, April 5, 2024

APhA–ASP Member Spotlight: Joanne Shen

Meet Joanne Shen, a final-year PharmD candidate at the Union University College of Pharmacy. Joanne currently serves as the chair of the International Standing Committee and the national Student Exchange Office. She is interested in pursuing health system pharmacy administration and leadership. We caught up with Joanne to learn about her and her passion for APhA–ASP.

Student Pharmacist Magazine (SPM): Can you tell us about your journey with APhA–ASP? Why did you choose to become a member and why do you remain a member?
Shen: I have been an active APhA–ASP member since the start of my pharmacy school journey. Drawn to its ethos of inclusivity, irrespective of background or role, I found a community unified by our shared pharmacy commitment. Throughout my involvement, APhA–ASP has offered me unwavering support. APhA–ASP has been a platform for the development of student pharmacists as well as a reliable, steadfast refuge.

SPM: What is your favorite APhA–ASP member benefit?
Shen: All APhA–ASP members are in the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation. This opens doors to diverse international opportunities. This includes participation in global conferences and student exchange programs. It also offers collaborative webinars and contests with counterparts from various nations.

SPM: What is your favorite APhA–ASP memory?
Shen: My favorite memory entails serving as the official U.S. delegate at the World Congress, representing APhA–ASP internationally. This experience significantly broadened my global perspective and fostered a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity.

SPM: What is your go-to Starbucks order
Shen: Honey citrus mint tea.

SPM: If you were a superhero, what power would you have?
Shen: Teleportation! This power would allow me to instantaneously be anywhere I want.

SPM: After a long day of school or work, what do you like to do in the evening to unwind?
Shen: I treat myself to sweets, put on my favorite playlist, and go for a walk.

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Author: Tom English

Categories: Features

Tags: Student Pharmacist

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